I know...there are road trips to discuss, places to shop, things I've seen...but I really wanted to show you this DIY first. Promise, next blog post will be about cool places to go! So who doesn't have a wool sweater that they accidental shrunk (no worries, Mom, you can still do my laundry when you come to visit). Or a sweater that the moths got to? Holes everywhere! Well, fear not...you can turn that old sweater into a botanical cozy container! Here is how I did it.
Holes and Shrunk! This sweater was ready for a repurpose!
Or you can put it in the washing machine on hot, hot, hot. I kinda like to boil it on the stove till it felts. Then rinse in cold water if you don't want it to stretch out again. Each sweater is different, some will totally felt up and others will just shrink a little more...
I started with a sleeve...
Then I just used some embroidery thread and hand stitched a piece for the bottom and a heart on the sleeve.
I wrapped the plant in wax paper and slide into the sleeve!
Check out what I did with the neck of the sweater...lots more to make...have fun!