I’ve added some fun Holiday Craft Ideas to this older post. These eco-friendly gift giving and holiday decor ideas never go out of style. It is never to early to start crafting — or even better — have a crafting party and make some amazing DIY holiday gifts. I know it is early to start thinking about making Holiday and Christmas crafts… but frankly, I’m ready for some JOY! Aren’t you? So I’m compiling a gazillion of my holiday crafts I’ve made over the years for DIY NETWORK, my blog, my books and more… and putting them here. I’m going to try to link as many as I can to the STEP by STEP directions for each as well. Seriously folks — we deserve homemade gifts and holiday crafting now! :) Virtual Hugs to You All. Joanne
I made these stars out of cardboard scraps, left over fabric and some ribbons… a few feathers and some twine. All you need are some scissors and a hot glue gun. Instant Christmas Tree Ornament or Gift Tag or Package Bling. :)
For these FLOWER POWER holiday treen ornaments — I raided my husband’s work room for extra electrical wire… Then I grabbed my button bin and started gluing.
Birch Stick Wood Cookies with painted letters and hearts — easy magnet project. (P.S. the wood dries a bit — so add a little glue around the edging so the bark does not slip off.) Magnet Holiday Gifts are the BEST!!
This elegant shell coastal home holiday decoration I made for my Mom. We actually found these shells on the beach and then with a oval bowl I put the display together.
My Pottery Barn inspired black, white, red checkered wreath I made using left-over fabric — spray painted cones and some cardboard.
Mini Paintings for your tree. DIY Holiday Ornament Decor. I found these little frames in Goodwill and at my local craft store.
This is one of my favorites — and these personalized family coasters have been on my living room table for over 10 years — so they are the gift that keeps on giving… Found some white tile at the recycle center. Printed out some black and white pictures on my home’s printing — use a glue stick to place them on the tile (make sure there is at least 1/4” of tile showing around the edge). Then with a 2-part Epoxy — I sealed them. The reason I used this type of glue/sealer is because any type of beverage can go on it — without ruining the pictures. This is the PERFECT GIFT for Grandparents.
I cannot even throw away even the smallest piece of scrap vintage fabric — and luckily for me I didn’t. With some craft balls and strips of fabric — I created this amazing Christmas tree garland. What a lovely vintage look — you could do all white and creams for a more farmhouse style holiday feel.
Seriously — reusing is as simple as a paper bag and some paint. I used these patterns to create my own gift wrapping pieces.
Well it doesn’t get anymore Country Christmas than this DIY. SUPER EASY! I used a scrap piece of vintage reclaimed wood trim (about 4” wide) and I cut them into squares. Then I sanded the edges a bit to give them a more rounded feel. With red craft paint I added some mittens and snowmen and other holiday shapes. Sealed them with some poly (you can use wax if you want) and added some felt to the bottom (you can use little furniture pads if you want).
Modern white chunky yarn holiday wreath was embarrassingly simple. Piece of cardboard — and wrapped some chunky yarn — plucked in some white decor and feathers.
I don’t mind when some costume jewelry are missing pieces — even better! Then I don’t feel bad about stringing them up and hanging them from my tree. Look at that sparkle!
xoxo Joanne
That’s a wrap! DIY paper bag holiday wrapping paper and birch bark gift tag. :)